Strong & Proud
Added by Laynhapuy Homelands
- Young Way
- 4,086 hits
Written and recorded at Yilpara Homeland on the East Coast of Arnhem Land in Northern Territory Australia. With assistance from Live Vibe Music crew, the youth participated in this production to share their enthusiasm for their homeland, tradition and culture.
Djarrayang realised he had been scammed after money went missing from his bank account. He wants to tell his story to all Yolngu and aboriginal people everywhere, to stop others losing money to dishonest people.
Laynhapuy Homeland Aboriginal Money Management program is one of many Money Management programs operating in Remote Australia, and supported Djarrayang to tell his story.
Djarrayang talks in his native language of Yolngu Matha.
Djarriyang has requested that this video be shared everywhere.
- Language:Yolŋu Matha, Yolngu Matha
- Genre:Music Video Clip - Women's
- Year Completed:2014
- English Subtitles:Yes
- Duration:00:01:18
- Producer or Facilitator:Live Vibe Music