Punu & Tjanpi Art (Stories from Country)
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Three Artists tell the Tjukurrpa stories of the paintings they are making. Linda
Eddy explains how painting makes the ladies happy. Other old artists are
painting Tjukurrpa. This is Warakurna Artist’s art therapy.
- Language:Ngaanyatjarra, Ngaatjatjara, English
- English Subtitles:Yes
- Genre:Art Workers/Centre
- Year Completed:2015
- Producer or Facilitator:Anna Cadden
- Editor:Alaneo Gloor
- Talent:Stories by Molly Yates (7 Sisters); Carol Golding (Warlu); Manupa Butler (Mina Mina)
- Music & Musician:Nancy Jackson, Daisy Ward, Eunice Porter, Dorcas Bennett, Lizzie Ellis, Polly Jackson, Nyarapayi Giles, Judith Chambers, Dianne Golding, Sheila Giles, Tjawina Porter
- Copyright:ICTV & Warakurna Artists
- Partner Organisation:Warakurna Artists
- Location:Lirrun, WA
- Duration:00:14:02
- Tags:Ngaanyatjarra, Art Centre, ngaanyatjarra artists, Artists
- Camera: Anna Cadden
- Narrator:Interviewer: Linda Eddy
- Translator:Polly Jackson, Valerie Foster, Helen Martin
- Sound Recordist: Anna Cadden
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