Our Bedtime Stories Episode 11: Nellie Roberts - Tjangara Kutjarratjarra (Two Giants Story)
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Nellie Roberts tells the story of Tjangara Kutjarratjarra (Two Giants), in the Ngaanyatjarra language. Recorded in Wingellina, WA.
- Language:Ngaanyatjarra, Ngaatjatjara
- English Subtitles:Yes
- Genre:Traditional Stories
- Year Completed:2018
- Director:Alan Nash
- Editor:Alan Nash
- Talent:Nellie Roberts
- Translator:Inawantji Scales, Hinerangi Tukere, Ramath Thomas, & Safrina Lyons
- Music & Musician:Raymond Dixon
- Copyright:Indigenous Community Television Limited 2018
- Partner Organisation:Ngaanyatjarra Media (NG Media)
- Location:Wingellina , WA, Australia
- Duration:00:12:28
- Producer or Facilitator:Alan Nash
- Camera:Matthew Lewis, Duane Foster, Alan Nash
- Narrator:Nellie Roberts
- Other Crew:Production Assistant: Marcia Mitchell; Post Production Coordinator: Joshua Davis
- Soundtrack:Stephen Pigram, Raymond Dixon
- Sound Recordist:Duane Foster, Marcia Mitchell, Nathan Brown
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