Two Way Learning at Happy Valley Homeland
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A film by Pin Rada and Alison Hunt, co-produced by The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and Pitjantjatjatjara Yankunytjatjara Media which documents the activities of a camp run by senior Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara elders from Amata Community in the APY Lands who are trying to pass on their traditional culture to the children of their community.
- Language:Pitjantjatjara, Yankunytjatjara, English
- Location:Amata, APY Lands
- Duration:00:42:38
- Producer or Facilitator:PY Media
- Camera:Pin Rada, Thomas Hodler, Amos Tikila Frank
- Talent:Owen Burton, Stanley Douglas, Sammy Lyons, Lee Brady, Iluwanti Ken, Nyurpaya Burton, Nurina Burton, Wantjura Lewis.
- Music & Musician:Kulilaya - Bill Davis, Amata Community.
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:Cultural Events and Public Ceremonies
- Year Completed:2018
- Director:Pin Rada and Alison Hunt
- Editor:Pin Rada
- Translator: Alison Hunt, Pin Rada, Thomas Hodler.
- Sound Recordist:Pin Rada, Thomas Hodler, Amos Tikila Frank
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