Yaama Ngunna Baaka - Call to Ceremony
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Yaama Ngunna Baaka - Corroboree Festival
Bruce Shillingsworth: "This River's in big trouble. We need your help desperately. We need our rivers to survive, to sustain us and to look after us."
Bruce Shillingsworth is calling all the different nations to come to Brewarrina for a "Corroboree Project" to "get the water back in the river". Yaama Ngunna Barka (Welcome to our River).
Bruce Shillingsworth: "I'm here calling for our people out there, First Nations People, to come together in supporting us here in Brewarrina. To get the water back in the river, to let our rivers run freely. We need ceremonies, we need dancers, we need rainmakers to make it rain, we need special lawman, to sing the land, to talk to the spirit. We need our stories and our knowledge to be told again. We need to heal our country through the spirit. Call on Biami our great spirit."
Dates and Locations: (Walgett – Saturday 28 September –
Brewarrina – Sunday 29 September – Barwon River at Doyle Street Park.
Bourke – Monday 30 September – 2CUZ FM at 1 Wangkumarra Drive.
Wilcannia – Tuesday 1 October – Reid St Park.
Menindee – Wednesday 2 October – Burke & Wills Campsite, Lake Pamamaroo.
Website with dates info: https://www.ngunna.com)
Go to Project website: https://mundagutta.com/corroboree-project
And or follow on twitter: https://twitter.com/BruceShillings2?lang=en
- Language:English
- Location:Brewarrina, NSW, Australia
- Duration:00:04:43
- Director:Rory
- Writer:Bruce Shillingsworth
- English Subtitles:Yes
- Genre:Caring for Country
- Year Completed:2019
- Camera:Rory
- Music & Musician:NA