Mowanjum Festival 2019: Goulburn Island Dancers
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Goulburn Island Dancers segment at Mowanjum Festival 2019.
- Language:Mawng
- Location:Mowanjum Community WA
- Duration:00:22:09
- Producer or Facilitator:PAKAM
- Camera:Catherine Piota, Fisnik Maxhuni, Xavier Piota and Naomi Piota
- Talent:Event MC: Leah Umbugai and Rona Charles. Performers: Goulburn Island Dancers
- Copyright:PAKAM
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:Traditional Dance
- Year Completed:2020
- Director:Catherine Piota
- Editor:Catherine Piota and Traelyn Aiken
- Sound Recordist:University of Melbourne
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