Bush Bands Bash 2006 Eastern Reggae Band
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The Bush Bands Bash ’06! was held as an Alice Desert Festival event at the Hub Space set amongst the majestic river red gums in the dry river bed of the Todd River. Becoming part of the Hub Space meant access to higher quality production stage and sound equipment which lifted the performance and profile.
Seven local arts / community workers were employed for the event, and eight Indigenous youth were employed as front of house crew, learning new skills and event management procedures.
Venue: Alice Desert Festival Hubspace – Banks of the Todd River (Next to Anzac Oval)
Date: Friday 8th September
Bands: Tjupi Band, Spin Fx, Thunder Boys, Kintore Gospel Band, The Family Mix, Eastern Reggae Band, Drum Atweme, Steve Gumerungi Hodder
MC: Jacinta Castle
Sponsors/ Partners: NT Government (Dept Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts, and Dept Health and Community Services), Government of South Australia (Department for Families and Communities), Australian Government (Dept of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs), Juvenile Diversion Division of NT Police, Red Hot Arts, Imparja television, Belette, Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjarra Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council, CAAC, Tangentyere Council, Asyass, Gap Youth Centre, Youth Out Bush, PY Media, Colemans printing, Busy Bee Promotions, NT Ofice of Youth Affairs, Office National.
- Language:English
- Location:Alice Springs
- Duration:00:01:40
- Producer or Facilitator:MusicNT
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:Live Music - Desert Reggae
- Year Completed:2006
- Copyright:Music NT