Filmed on location in Yirrkala North East Arnhem Land, NT.
Directed by Sam Brumby & King Stingray
Yo bukuwikama yurru yawirriny'nha yirrkalawuy dhiyaku maliwu.
The production would also like to thank Mangatjay Yunupiŋu, Malŋay Yunupiŋgu, Maciu Gentle, Glen Gentle, …
Can't Change Your Name is the first film clip from the album "Beneath The Sun" Tom E Lewis is Bob Dylan, Nick Cave and Tom Waites rolled into Aboriginal Australia.
D Street Brothers, Aaron D and Krazy J from Ramingining teamed up to record this song King of Dance. This is Aaron D's first rap song. Video clip produced by Greg Stehle
Lyric Video for Track 4 of UPK#6.
A song by Katrina Connelly. Written in jail. Music by Darcy Davis.
I am here, staying here but thinking I’m really from another place. My family calls to me, calls me to my real home.
Sitting, yearning, pining for my home. My country is …
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