Cookin' with LUI - Steak Tutorial

Our Tucker

Added by Shae Lui

Description Just the steak tutorial for reverse searing incase you wanna have a crack ?
Get yourself a bbq thermometer, I use inkbird because its reliable, was $$89 at Bunnings ?
1. Season & rest the steak to room temp.
2. Preheat charcoal bbq (1/2 basket of coals) or lowest setting on a Weber BabyQ gas bbq (be sure to use a heat deflector and trivet) or your oven set to 120 degrees celsius.
3. low (temp) roast the steak until it reaches whatever internal temp you like, mine finished at 50 degrees celsius fyi.
4. Sear over hot asf coals or cast iron pan to finish. Can baste in butter, garlic & rosemary if using a pan too!
5. Be sure to rest your steak afterwards before eating, around 5-10mins or something.
Serve up with whatever sides you like, but that is reverse sear for thicker steaks. ?
Hope that helps! ??

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