This short animation was co-developed by Animal Management in Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities (AMRRIC) and the Threatened Species Recovery Hub (ended Dec 2021). The animation is focused on cats on country, highlighting the high reproductive capacity of cats, and the …
As a way to introduce the audience to people, place and culture, ‘Listen’ began as a poem written by the group. It was translated into Auslan offering creative choreographic material for the artists to work with. This developed into a film and is an important reminder that …
Empowered Communities is a national reform initiative created by Aboriginal people, for Aboriginal people. In central Australia's Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Lands a collaboration of strong Aboriginal organisations are working together with families, …
In this wshort animation, a woman experiencing domestic violence talks to her Mum about getting a court order.
Created by iTalk Library in Alice Springs, NT.
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voices and names of deceased people.
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