Payten Thorne's Yarn - The Art of Distraction

Our Way

Added by Desert Pea Media

Description Part of the 'Break It Down: Community Conversations Around Mental Health' project 2017/2018. (DPM/PHN WNSW)

Life can be difficult in remote, rural towns, with kids looking for some kind of direction. Life can also be beautiful, with winding rivers and unparalleled nature. Payten Thorne is honest about her experiences and struggles navigating this world, and gives us insight into the way that she keeps her head above water when life becomes too overwhelming. With a pen or a camera in hand, Payten captures the magic of her town, and uses this constructive habit to channel those feelings into creation. Wise beyond her years, Payten can teach us a lot about how to stay positive and get to where you need to go.

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