Irrunytju Kungka Kulapa Full Set from the Battle of the Bands, from the NG Lands Festival held in Wingellina, 2016.
Captured by the NG Media Live events team.
Ngalyapitja NG Media End of Year Concert Warakurna - December 2017
Crew: Jennifer Connolly, Marcia Mitchell, Cynthia Burke, Salty Lewis, Danny Fox, Rongomai Bailey, Alan Nash, Ryan Khay, Fiona, Amy Heatrick, Hinerangi Tukere, Sarah Wallingford, Kristyn Oxenbridge, Ramath …
Band Night Wingellina 2017 Filmed by NG Media at the 19th Remote Indigenous Media Festival.
Crew: Jennifer Connelly, Marcia Mitchell, Cynthia Burke, Jasmin Lawson, Alan Nash, Rongomai Bailey, Fiona, Ryan Khay, Mark Finlay & Matthew Lewis
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