76-year old Walter Kolbong Rogers tells the story of his life as a dancer and a leader of ceremony.
A collaboration between Ngukurr Art Centre and Ngukurr Language Centre, Ngukurr Story Project supports local people to tell the stories they want to tell in the language they …
Aboriginal song and dancing from Elcho Island and Yirrkala, north-eastern Arnhem Land in the Top End of the Northern Territory perform dances, the women and men, carrying strips of material, with a song man, clapsticks and playing of the didgeridoo, at the Barunga Festival, 2018.
Aboriginal students from Djarragun College, an indigenous school near Cairns, Far North Queensland, Australia, perform traditional dances during the Townsville Cultural Fest. They enter the main stage with a sweeping dance, followed by a fast "Worrama" dance. The next dance is …
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