This animation, “Tick Sickness” was developed to raise knowledge and awareness of diseases transmitted by ticks, including Ehrlichiosis, a new tick-Borne disease which was first detected in Australia in May 2020.
Ehrlichiosis, which is caused by the bacteria Ehrlichia …
We know in these times of change and uncertainty that it's good to stay connected in our minds. It's good to stay fresh and healthy. We know that some of the benefits of meditation can really help us to stay centred, to keep us in the moment, to release stress, to give us more …
A short video explaining the reasons why we should not gamble at school or in community.
We are an Anangu partnership school in the remote far north of South Australia. Our kids love making videos and creating music. This is where we share it with the world.
This is our …
Part of the 'Break It Down: Community Conversations Around Mental Health' project 2017/2018. (DPM/PHN WNSW)
Depression is one of the most debilitating illnesses around, and no one understands this more than Will Hill. Due to racism at school, and a consequent disconnect from …
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