Unbroken Land 2020 Episode Thirteen - Gumtrees By The River

Added by Incite Arts

Announcing the 2020 virtual delivery of Unbroken Land.

Unbroken Land water themed video works will be released episodically from June onwards.

Virtual presentation offers us unique opportunities to showcase the talents of our Alice Springs community on more far reaching online platforms, and to far greater audiences than the original planned live event.

Access and inclusion will remain at the very heart of the virtual Unbroken Land, with closed captioning and audio description access features.

Water is everywhere

Water is powerful, fragile and precious

Water is life

From the mythical to the mundane

From ritual to resource, water connects us all

We all have water stories to share

Join us on this 2020 Unbroken Land journey…

“Water is my dreaming. My ancestors were the rainmakers.” Maureen O’Keefe is a Kaytetye-Warlpiri woman from Ali Curung. She is a dedicated writer living in Mparntwe/Alice Springs. The songs are sung in Kaytetye-Warlpiri by her mother’s sister, Mona and sister-in-law, Winnie. They are from Karlu Karlu (Devil’s Marbles).

The first song is called Yinjiri-jiri and is about the first water that flows… carrying the frothy debris with twigs and leaves and how it then flows clean.

The second song is called Ngapirinjilayi and is about the river gums standing tall on the riverbank, bits of their white bark flaking off and falling into the water, and the trees soaking up the water, making them green.

More Information
  • Language:English, Kaytetye, Kaytej, Warlpiri
  • Location:Central Australia
  • Duration:00:02:06
  • Producer or Facilitator:Jenine Mackay, Virginia Heydon, Lauren Jones
  • Camera:Shane Mulcahy
  • Talent:Mona and Winnie
  • English Subtitles:No
  • Genre:Oral Histories
  • Year Completed:2020
  • Director:Lauren Jones
  • Narrator:Maureen O'Keefe
  • Other Crew:Anna Cadden, Anders Pfeiffer
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