Description Produced by Realtone (Wayne Glenn and Hans Mienig) with the children of Areyonga School for the Red Dust Role Models Health Promotion tours 2012.
East Kimberley Kids take to the streets asking residents what the meaning of Kununurra is. Hear the various responses.
Waringarri Radio 6WR is the number 1 radio station in the East Kimberley and is proud to be the only local community radio station in the area.
Their …
This song was written and recorded during the 2016 Healthy Living Youth Festival in Nauiyu Community from June 3 to 6. This latest instalment to the growing Red Dust library was brought to life through the popular desire for a second instalment to the unofficial local anthem …
'Utju Eyes' is the second song from Areyonga, this year produced through the Red Dust Role Models 'Health Prommotion in Indigenous Communities' Tours for 2012.
For this tour (June 4th - 7th) our Red Dust team (consisting of sport, health and music workers) worked with the young …
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