The newest micro-series from ICTV lets community members away from home send a message back to their friends and families through ICTV.
This episode features Graham Wilfred Jnr sending a message home to family in Ngukurr, while he is in Alice Springs.
The series included …
Yoowinna Wurnalung Aboriginal Healing Service engaged Indigenous Outreach Projects to run an IOP Dance Project as part of their school holiday program.
With special thanks to:
Dhelk Dja
East Gippsland Indigenous Family Violence Regional Action Group
Communities for Children …
Cyril Ninnal in Wadeye talks about country and the turtle story.
BushTV Enterprises is an award winning Aboriginal media company owned by Ernie Dingo and Tom Hearn. BushTV is registered with Supply Nation and has offices in Darwin and Rockhampton. BushTV won the Queensland …
Yirara TV Episode 1 Term 1 - 2018.
One of the many highlights of our school year is our Christmas Concert, we meet some new staff members and Tara tells us how she wants to become a Police Officer.
In this weeks episode we get to see our Girls Academy latest music video, enjoy showing our campus to some visitors and get to work with some fellas from CMS.
YCTV E8 T2 - 2018
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