Indigenous musicians from remote Australia, includes: video clips, concerts and documentaries.
West African band, Tinariwen, put on a concert for the people of Amata.
This is a song about the old days.
Jacob Tiger sings this song for the UPK 5 program. (Also titled Palya Nyinama)
Webb Burton plays guitar for the UPK 5 program.
From Wadeye in the Top End, this is Tjindi by Sylvester and Mark Parmbuk.
Music clip for The Year 2000, a song about a plane crash near Wadeye. This video is a mixture of modern and traditional.
Kids from Yirrkala sing about how healthy tucker is good for you to eat.
A music clip from Broome, with Jeeyuen Lwoy singing the song, "I Want You To Know."
Some of the fellas from Beagle Bay sing the song, "Hurt No More."
Music clip for the band Unheardof and their song "We're No Strangers.'
Music clip for Gordon Marshall's song, "Muduwarra.'
Gideon Gardiner shows us his skills as a guitarist in this music video.
Jade and Billie-Jo Pindan's video clip for their song Growing Old.
Music Video Clip for Punmu Girls Rap, by Punmu Girls and Monkey Mark.
Music clip for Kevin Birch's amazing acoustic guitar instrumental.
Music video of Trevor Ishiguchi singing the song "A Long Time."
Music clip for Albert Wiggan's song, Keeping Me Warn.
A music video for the song "Lil Lady," by Trevor Ishiguchi
Music clip of "So we dance' featuring the Shoveller Family on the Sand dunes near Bidyadanga.
Part of the 2008 tour for the Ernabella School Choir, this is a video of their performance at the Christian family Centre in Seaton, Adelaide.
Warning Viewers are warned this site contains images, voices and names of deceased people.