North Tanami Band - Don't Drink And Drive
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Red Dust Role Model Tour #2 to Lajamanu.
11th, 12th & 13th June 2012
Part of Realtone Music Facilitators Steve Lane and Wayne Glenn's brief for this trip was to engage with the established bands within the Lajamanu Community and co-write a 'message' song.
During our first tour to Lajamanu, we met up with Zac and Dion from the North Tanami Band who helped us with the 1st 'health' message song 'Eat Good Tucker All The Time'
Zac and Dion were keen to work with Wayne and Steve again, and suggested that a song be written that could be used to discourage drink driving.
Tuesday, was set aside to work with the band and by the end of the day, the music was recorded and the lyrics for the chorus had been written.
Verse lyrics and vocal recording took place on Wednesday with lead guitar also overdubbed, then filming!!
The track was engineered by Steve Lane and Wayne Glenn and mixed by Steve Lane and Hans Mienig.
Checkout the song 'The Padi Boys' written and recorded on the Monday with young community members.
- Language:English
- Location:Lajamanu, NT, Australia
- Duration:00:03:47
- Producer or Facilitator:Red Dust
- Camera:Red Dust
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:Music Video Clip - Desert Reggae
- Year Completed:2012
- Director:Red Dust
- Music & Musician:-