A Short film about Suicide prevention. Shot in Halls Creek Western Australia, starring Anthony Desmond Johnson and Abosede Dawodu. Written, Produced and Directed by Daniel Akinshola.
The ICTV annual video report is a snap shot of the past financial year at ICTV.
First screened as part of the 2016 AGM held in Yirrkala as part of the 18th National Remote Indigenous Media Festival.
For a more comprehensive look at the past year you can download a full …
Participants from ALPA CDP at Milingimbi and Ramingining received training in 3D Printing design with Tinkercad, as well as electronics and 3D printing production from ModFab.
This video shows some of the participants talking about their experience of the program.
Setting rubbish on fire is a hazard to your community, country and family. It can cause large fires, pollute the air around your community and it is also illegal. Please don't set rubbish on fire!
For those that missed the 2016 Woorabinda Festival here is a brief highlights reel!
The 2017 Festival is happening on the 8th of April in Woorabinda so keep this Saturday free for a great community event!
Warning Viewers are warned this site contains images,
voices and names of deceased people.
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