Pipalyatjara Cultural Week 2015
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Come hunting for maku, build a wiltja with an Elder, learn the dance of our inma, make craft with native grass, visit the caves of our ancestors and immerse yourself in the beauty of our country. The community of Pipalyatjara invites you to celebrate Cultural Week 2015 from the heart of the Western Desert. "The children are the leaders for tomorrow" - Anangu Elder Albert Fox.
- Language:Pitjantjatjara, English
- Location:Pipalyatjara
- Duration:00:18:22
- Producer or Facilitator:Daniel Clarke
- Camera:Daniel Clarke
- Narrator:Sally Scales, Milyika Paddy, Albert Fox, Felicity Martin, Charmaine Paddy, Christine Laidlaw, Nadia Peters
- Translator:Sally Scales
- Sound Recordist:Daniel Clarke
- English Subtitles:Yes
- Genre:Cultural Events and Public Ceremonies
- Year Completed:2015
- Director:Daniel Clarke
- Editor:Daniel Clarke
- Talent:Students of Pipalyatjara Anangu School and St John's Grammar School
- Music & Musician:Yangupulu Kutju - Sunlight Band Yukiri - Dwayne Abbott
- Custodians:Milyika Paddy, Albert Fox, Molly Miller, Josephine Mick
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