Daily Holla - Yolngu [Official Music Video]

Our Music

Added by Daily Holla

Description 'Yolngu' is the first single from my second EP.

It is a special song to me as it involves samples I recorded in Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory, Australia. I have been lucky enough to visit and grow up closely with an Aboriginal family since I was about 4. My dad wanted my brother and I to experience what traditional aboriginal culture was like, so we visited a family every few years. They have also visited us and spoke to my classmates when I was at school about Aboriginal culture. We were also lucky enough to be adopted into the family as the elder had sung for 'two white babies to come play with her children.'

On my last trip, I asked whether we could collaborate and record some singing and traditional music. They were excited to combine our two backgrounds of music and that's where these recordings came from

The music video is all footage I have filmed during my visits, It shows the family that we have spent many years with. I want to put this video out, highlighting and celebrating their amazingly rich culture.

'I am a real Aboriginal Australian, and that is my life - and you - you too, be an Australian'

Available now on iTunes & Spotify through Inertia Access: lnk.to/DH_Ylg



This video and song exists purely to celebrate Indigenous Australian culture. This video may contain images that upset Aboriginal viewers.

Please contact: dailyholla.music@gmail.com

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