Karntimarta Wanderers - 'Midnight'
This music video was filmed on the Desert Feet Tour just out of Warralong community.
We used a combination of green screened shots and live footage of driving sped up to create the high energy shots. We also changed day into night for the …
The clip is called 'Let your light shine' from Mount St Bernard College in Herberton, made up of 80% boarding students all from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island communities from across Australia.
We were lucky enough to be filming during their NAIDOC celebrations and …
Children from the Wulungarra Community sing their song about the positive outcomes from respecting yourself & others. A great music clip that shows family & community life.
Lyric Video for Track 8 of UPK#6.
Elijah Connelly from Pipalyatjara
A huge bushfire is burning, different places all around are alight Grandfather’s country is on fire and grandfather is weeping; many places on fire.
The sacred places are destroyed! The sacred places are …
Lyric Video for Track 13 of UPK#6.
By Jeremy Whisky and Cupa Henry - Indulkana Community
(This is a lament about a violent relationship.)
Poor thing my big sister. Your husband is always beating you.
She keeps her home well and looks after her children.
(Addressing …
UPK, Uwankara Palyanku Kanyitjaku (everybody creating and holding the future) is a strategy to achieve well-being through positive, shared vision of the future and thoughtful action by everybody to achieve this vision. UPK finds expression in many different forms from making of …
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