Pertame Portal
40 Videos4 Contributors
Pertame Playlist
- Apma Sam pa ilentya Lee
00:02:31 - High School iPad Challenge
00:02:13 - Pertame Mperrka Song
00:02:53 - Kekalala (Cookatoo) Song
00:00:33 - Destinee: Apma pa Mpurlparna
00:02:26 - Superhero Yeya: Max pa Kelvin
00:01:46 - Urta Mperlarra pa Harry pa Apma
00:02:21 - Thank You from Christobel Swan
00:01:06 - Yeya Pertama Kerta
00:05:42 - Pertame Chant
00:00:14 - Pantyenteme Tracks
00:02:32 - Melenge
00:01:47 - Vanessa Ferrelly - Pertame
00:03:12 - Fishing at Irrpmengkere
00:01:59 - Interview with Christobel Swan
00:04:44 - Irrpmengkere
00:04:11 - Necklaces and Turrarre
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