40 Videos 4 ContributorsAbout Pertame
Videos in Pertame
Pertame School Visits Reptile Centre
Pertama Map lhemala rema tnuntha arna-rinya mapa inpa
Young Way02:282,287 views
Kekalala (Cookatoo) Song
Kekalala peranga nema
Kangkama thipa kngerratya
therraye kekalala
therraye kekalala
unta marra nema. Kekalala peranga nema
annga ingkerreka irlkwema
tnaye Kekalala,
tnaye, Kekalala
nweka impa tnyenaye
Young Way00:332,273 views
Intyenya MacDonald Farma Kerta Song
Pertame kids signing Old MacDonald Had a Farm in Pertame at the School holiday program (Oct 2020)
Young Way03:412,140 views
Pertame Kids Perform at Beanie Festival
This video is about Pertame students singing nursery rhymes in Pertame at the Alice Springs Beanie Festival
Young Way07:462,584 views
Indigenous Language Warning_Pertame (May Contain Deceased Content)
These disclaimers are used on ICTV and the ICTV PLAY website to warn people watching that the upcoming video contains images, voices and names of deceased people.
This project was made possible thanks to project support from The Community Broadcasting Foundation.
Traffic00:301,975 views
Indigenous Language Warning_Pertame (Contains Deceased Content)
These disclaimers are used on ICTV and the ICTV PLAY website to warn people watching that the upcoming video contains images, voices and names of deceased people.
This project was made possible thanks to project support from The Community Broadcasting Foundation.
Traffic00:301,518 views
Pertame Story: Lhekela Pmera Pertama-nga
Pertame Story: Lhekela Pmera Pertama-nga (Travelling through Pertame country)
Christobel Swan narrates the journey that our family took visiting important places on Pertame country during our Pertame Language and Culture School. This video features Pertame language, songs and …
Young Way05:003,206 views
Thank You from Christobel Swan
Christobel Swan talks about the importance of teaching her younger generations her severely endangered language, Pertame (Southern Arrernte). She says thank you to our generous supporters who have made our Pertame Language and Culture School possible.
Our Culture01:063,668 views
Pertame Story: Kwernga Nwerna Nhanha Nema
Pertame Story: Kwernga Nwerna Nhanha Nema (Because of her, we are here)
Christobel Swan narrates a story of Pertame children learning about the 2018 NAIDOC theme, "because of her, we can". In this video, Pertame children do drawings to acknowledge the important women in their …
Young Way02:173,895 views
Pertame Story Family Pertamaka Kaltyirrema
Pertame Story Family Pertamaka Kaltyirrema
Young Way05:103,230 views
Pertame Mperrka Song
Christobel Swan tells a story of the first Pertame on-country school campPertame Mperrka Song.
Young Way02:534,312 views
Yeya Pertama Kerta
Christobel Swan tells a story of the first Pertame on-country school camp.
Our Culture05:422,797 views
Our Bedtime Stories Episode 3: Christobel Swan - Tunpa pa Remeya ( The Goanna and the Perentie Story)
Christobel Swan tell the Story of the Tunpa pa Remeya (The Goanna and the Perentie) in Pertame as a children's story. Recorded just outside Alice Springs on the Old South Road.
This episode was produced by ICTV, in Alice Springs.
The opening and closing animation was …
Young Way05:587,100 views
Vanessa Ferrelly - Pertame
First Languages Australia short with Vanessa Ferrelly speaking about the Pertame language.
First Languages Australia is a national organisation working with community language programs around the country to support the continued use and recognition of Australia’s first …
Our Culture03:125,850 views
Interview with Christobel Swan
Interview with Christobel Swan, talking about her land and family
Our Culture04:445,786 views
A day out bush with Christobell and her family on Pertame country. Christobell Swan is a Pertame women, she is telling stories from when she was a young girl and how she wants to teach the young generation about culture and language.
Our Culture04:114,785 views
Fishing at Irrpmengkere
Fishing along the Finke River.
Pertame people developed the ideas for this film and recorded and edited the content. This was done with the assistance of a media trainer. Translations were undertaken by a Pertame women Christobell Swan.
Our Tucker01:596,217 views
Learning Pertame
Level 1: Language Learning 1·Level 2: Language Learning 2·Level 3: Language Learning 3