Life By The Sea Bardi Burr
Added by Film and Television Institute
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This documentary focuses on spear making in the traditional way using acacia Tumida or Wongai. An elder of the Bardi people, Uncle Bundy takes the boys out for a day and teaches traditional spear making whilst telling the boys of important places and names in Bardi country and the importance of fresh water. The boys use the spears for a hunting trip which is successful and highlights the importance of traditional hunting
- Language:English
- Location:Djarindjin and Surrounds, Western Australia
- Duration:00:13:24
- Other Crew:A film by; Geraiyah James, Darryl Chaquebor, Derrick Chaquebor, Geraldine Chaquebor, Pascoe Peters, Taylor Djiagween, Raymond Djiagween, Bradley Hann,
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:Hunting
- Year Completed:2008
- Music & Musician:Djarindjin Band
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