Wake Up Strong
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- Our Way
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Interviews with men and youngfellas from Mt Liebig (Amundurrngu), talking about their lives, culture and community.
- Language:Luritja, Loritja, English
- Location:Mt Liebig, NT, Australia
- Duration:00:13:10
- Producer or Facilitator:Casse Australia
- Camera:Nathan Brown
- Writer:Harry Hayes, Nathan Brown, Pamela Nathan.
- Talent:Bundi, Martin, Dillon, Zakius, Neil, Dyson, Jordan, Davin, Presley, James
- Translator:Nathan Brown
- Sound Recordist:Nathan Brown
- Copyright:2016 CASSE Australia Inc
- English Subtitles:Yes
- Genre:Health & Education
- Year Completed:2016
- Director:Nathan Brown
- Editor:Harry Hayes
- Narrator:N/A
- Other Crew:Jamie Millier Tjupurulla
- Music & Musician:N/A
- Custodians:Regarding the deceased disclaimer below: no one has passed away who are in the film, however perhaps for longevity of the film there should be a disclaimer that people 'may' have passed away? however if its screened soon, then no need.)
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