Description A Short film about Suicide prevention. Shot in Halls Creek Western Australia, starring Anthony Desmond Johnson and Abosede Dawodu. Written, Produced and Directed by Daniel Akinshola.
The ICTV annual video report is a snap shot of the past financial year at ICTV.
First screened as part of the 2016 AGM held in Yirrkala as part of the 18th National Remote Indigenous Media Festival.
For a more comprehensive look at the past year you can download a full …
Participants from ALPA CDP at Milingimbi and Ramingining received training in 3D Printing design with Tinkercad, as well as electronics and 3D printing production from ModFab.
This video shows some of the participants talking about their experience of the program.
A spoken word performance and video clip out of Worrabinda, written and performed by Binjewl King.
Sound recorded by Ceicei, produced by the Mimosa Studio Project - Woorabinda February 2016
The worst kept secret in Alangkwa Valley, the wrong skin romance between Whitney and Ronnie, is thrust into the community torchlight when Lionel takes a ride along with Night Patrol.
What starts out as a hunt for bush foods, ends with the wrong skin romance trial of Ronnie and …
As the Australian Parliament burns, A.F.E.C.O. arrives to fight the terrorist Samson. The battle stretches across the country to Maralinga Test Facility where Zero-Point discovers a terrible truth about the Government's post-human program.
ZERO-POINT: SEASON ZERO introduces to …
This video raises the issue of waste management from the perspective of of a changing world with new concerns in beautifully picturesque way. It draws the viewer in via the stunning rendition of our land and a dynamic musical score.
Warning Viewers are warned this site contains images,
voices and names of deceased people.
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