Birdz - Place of Dreams feat Ecca Vandal

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Added by Bad Apples Music

Description Katherine raised rapper Birdz drops the first single off his highly anticipated EP - “Place of Dreams” feat. Ecca Vandal

Balancing moments of delicate keys between formidable beats, the track tells a tale of limitations laid down by others and ultimately having the strength to believe in oneself. Leading with the explosive vocal prowess of Ecca Vandal, the single flows with production by Trials, and the raw rap that has cemented Birdz’ status as one of the country’s most exciting hip hop acts today. Always formed by his heritage, the track evokes a compelling story told through both lyrics and organic composition.

This first taste of Birdz’s forthcoming EP is set to lead the way for many new releases on the horizon from Bad Apples. A commanding message delivered with fervent passion, the first bite with “Place of Dreams” will leave you craving more.

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