North Tanami Rangers

Our Way

Added by Central Land Council

Description Senior traditional owners have tasked the North Tanami Ranger group with implementing their land management aspirations and priorities. Traditional land management has been coupled with work directed at addressing contemporary land management issues. To date ranger group activities have included burning, waterhole management, feral animal and weed control, cultural site protection, recording of traditional knowledge, participating flora and fauna surveys and maintaining basic infrastructure at outstations in the IPA. The rangers have been involved in contract-based environmental service delivery, such as weed control and biodiversity survey work, with mining companies and neighbouring pastoralists.

Northern Tanami Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) committee members directed the CLC to re-imagine their IPA Plan of Management, an English-heavy guide book for looking after the IPA. The brief was to create a lush digital resource using spoken Warlpiri that could be accessed both online and offline to mirror the content of the management plan and be navigated through voice commands. The CLC’s hope is that the IPA digital storybooks will help all Warlpiri – from elders to school children – to better understand and support the work to keep country healthy and culture strong. The CLC has made digital storybooks for both the Southern Tanami and the Northern Tanami IPAs. See and

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