  1. In Other News; Top End leader farewelled, Pine Gap protest, Stolen Wages in WA, a new stage-play about Warumpi Band. (English)
  2. What's happening in Gaza? Why are Palestine and Israel fighting? What does it have to do with us? (Western Arrarnta)
  3. What's happening in Gaza? Why are Palestine and Israel fighting? What does it have to do with us? (English)
  4. Is it more expensive living out bush? ICTV and Crikey head to the APY Lands to find out why. (Western Arrarnta)
  5. Is it more expensive living out bush? ICTV and Crikey head to the APY Lands to find out why. (English)
  6. Wangka2023 VOX Pop :: Brenda Shaw
  7. Wangka2023 VOX Pop :: Denise Smith-Ali OAM
  8. Wangka2023 VOX Pop :: Jennifer Morgan
  9. Wangka2023 VOX Pop :: Anthea Cutter
  10. Wangka2023 VOX Pop :: Valma Schultz
  11. Wangka2023 VOX Pop :: Tanya Tucker
  12. James Tucker - Fire Fighter
  13. Trainee Ranger of the Year - Lionel Marr (Bunuba country)
  14. Bush Bands Bash 23 : Mulga Bore Hard Rock
  15. Yirara News - YCTV E6 T4 - 2023
  16. During Promo: Day 12 - 12 Days of Xmas Special Programming
  17. During Promo: Day 11 - 12 Days of Xmas Special Programming
  18. Bush Bands Bash 23 :: Full Concert
  19. ICTV Community News - 1st December 2023 (English)
  20. ICTV Community News - 1st December 2023 (Western Arranda)