Central Land Council

The Central Land Council (CLC) represents Aboriginal people in Central Australia and supports them to manage their land, make the most of the opportunities it offers and promote their rights. It emerged from the Aboriginal struggle for justice and land rights.

In 1976 the Commonwealth's Aboriginal Land Rights Act (ALRA) gave Aboriginal people title to most of the Aboriginal reserve lands in the Northern Territory and the opportunity to claim other land not already owned, leased or being used.

The CLC divides its area covering almost 777,000 square kilometres into nine regions roughly based on 15 different language groups.

  1. Reading the Country - Button Quail
  2. Reading the Country - Bush Turkey
  3. Wirlinyi Ngaya-ku (Hunting for Cat)
  4. North Tanami Rangers
  5. Plants
  6. Ranger work-Water Places
  7. What is an IPA?
  8. Two way education and training
  9. Tracking the Snake
  10. Lajamanu Bush Medicine
  11. Weeds
  12. Feral Animals
  13. Animals
  14. Burning Today
  15. Remembering Traditional Fire Knowledge
  16. Looking after Kamira
  17. Looking After Water Places
  18. Kulpurlunu
  19. Kardiya Values
  20. Yapa Values