( Ngaatjatjara )174 Videos 17 ContributorsAbout Ngaanyatjarra
Videos in Ngaanyatjarra
Payipulpa Yutirringkutja Bible Dedication
Payipulpa Yutirringkutja Bible Dedication
Spiritual Way42:263,326 views
Warlu (Stories from Country)
Eunice Porter tells us the Tjukurrpa story of the Warlu site.
Our Culture08:074,684 views
Painting Tjukurrpa (Stories from Country)
3 Artists tell the Tjukurrpa stories of the paintings they are making. Linda Eddy explains how painting makes the ladies happy. Other old artists are painting Tjukurrpa. This is Warakurna Artist’s art therapy.
Our Way10:405,480 views
Bush Medicine (Stories from Country)
Collecting and making rubbing medicine from Irrmangka-irrmangka. Daisy also sings a healing song for the application of the bush medicine.
Our Tucker14:3512,952 views
Punu & Tjanpi Art (Stories from Country)
Three Artists tell the Tjukurrpa stories of the paintings they are making. Linda
Eddy explains how painting makes the ladies happy. Other old artists are
painting Tjukurrpa. This is Warakurna Artist’s art therapy.
Our Way14:025,007 views
Lirrun (Stories from Country)
Daisy Ward takes us to her place of birth – shows us the country, bush foods
and mingurlpa and tells the Tjukurrpa stories.
Our Tucker15:346,489 views
Maku (Stories from Country)
Valerie Ward, Daisy Ward and Eunice Porter show us the different ways to hunt for Maku (Witchetty grubs), and how to cook it.
Our Tucker11:446,292 views
Minyma Ngurlunytju
Emotional literacy animations in Pitjantjatjara and Ngaanyatjarra. Developed by and for Anangu living in the central desert region to keep language strong - in particular the language for talking about mental health.
Our Way01:494,381 views
Kungka Mirrpantju
Emotional literacy animations in Pitjantjatjara and Ngaanyatjarra. Developed by and for Anangu living in the central desert region to keep language strong - in particular the language for talking about mental health.
Our Way01:274,946 views
‘Kuruyurltu’ is a short film created early this year at Tjarlirli Art. Directed by Lizzie Ellis- artist and Artist Mentor at Tjarlirli Art, the film explores the tjukurrpa of her family at the site Kuruyurltu.
Tjawina Porter, respected artist and elder from Tjarlirli Art …
Our Culture05:555,520 views
Waru Tri State
TO's managing fire with traditional and new management techniques.
Our Way28:425,337 views
Ukiri Wanti by Irrunytju Band
Irrunytju Band perform 'Ukiri Wanti' at the 2012 Bush Bands Bash.
Our Night-time03:029,218 views
Learning Ngaanyatjarra
Language Learning 2
Young adult and upwards focused: Slightly more advanced language learning with topics such as sentences, names of animals and cooking videos with food names.