452 Videos 54 ContributorsAbout Pitjantjatjara
Learning Resources
- Gambay - First Languages Australia
- NPY Women's Council - Kulila! App
- Central Land Council
- Glottolog
- CALL Collection
- Territory Stories
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages
- Mobile Language Team
- The Endangered Languages Project
- Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre
- UCLA Phonetic Lab Archive
Videos in Pitjantjatjara
Bush Bands Bash 2019: Rising Wind Band-Karnta Kurlu
Bush Bands Bash 2019: Rising Wind Band-Karnta Kurlu
Bush Bands Bash is a foot stomping musical celebration under the starry desert sky. Played to an audience of thousands the concert is the biggest annual showcase of Aboriginal desert music in Australia. Presented by MusicNT, …
Our Music03:054,663 views
Bush Bands Bash 2019: Mala Band-Dream Girl
Bush Bands Bash 2019: Mala Band-Dream Girl
Bush Bands Bash is a foot stomping musical celebration under the starry desert sky. Played to an audience of thousands the concert is the biggest annual showcase of Aboriginal desert music in Australia. Presented by MusicNT, the Bush …
Our Music10:598,901 views
Bush Bands Bash 2019: MB Reggae-Dance Tonight
Bush Bands Bash 2019: MB Reggae-Dance Tonight
Bush Bands Bash is a foot stomping musical celebration under the starry desert sky. Played to an audience of thousands the concert is the biggest annual showcase of Aboriginal desert music in Australia. Presented by MusicNT, the …
Our Music03:484,906 views
Bush Bands Bash 2019: Mutitjulu Band-Wati Kutju
Bush Bands Bash 2019: Mutitjulu Band-Wati Kutju
Bush Bands Bash is a foot stomping musical celebration under the starry desert sky. Played to an audience of thousands the concert is the biggest annual showcase of Aboriginal desert music in Australia. Presented by MusicNT, the …
Our Music06:097,129 views
Bush Bands Bash 2019: Docker River Band - Ngura Kutjupa Kanpinya
Bush Bands Bash 2019: Docker River Band - Ngura Kutjupa Kanpinya
Bush Bands Bash is a foot stomping musical celebration under the starry desert sky. Played to an audience of thousands the concert is the biggest annual showcase of Aboriginal desert music in Australia. Presented …
Our Music05:557,545 views
Messages Home: Morris Jackson
The newest micro-series from ICTV lets community members away from home send a message back to their friends and families through ICTV.
This episode features Morris Jackson sending a message home to family, while he is in Alice Springs visiting the Purple House Dialysis Unit. …
Our Way10:042,827 views
Messages Home: Reggie Baldock
The newest micro-series from ICTV lets community members away from home send a message back to their friends and families through ICTV.
This episode features Reggie Baldock sending a message home to family, while he is in Alice Springs visiting the Purple House Dialysis Unit. …
Our Way03:492,366 views
Uti Kulintjaku Watiku Project: Stanley Douglas
Uti Kulintjaku Watiku Project.
Bringing men together to address the drivers of family violence in the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara region.
Our Way07:174,268 views
Uti Kulintjaku Watiku Project: David Miller
Uti Kulintjaku Watiku Project.
Bringing men together to address the drivers of family violence in the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara region.
Our Culture05:143,313 views
International Volunteer Day 2019
International Volunteer Day - Tuesday 5th of December 2019.
To celebrate ICTV is featuring videos from our top 10 voluntary contributors - from 3pm til late.
Stay tuned and help ICTV show appreciation to all our contributors on International Volunteer Day.
ICTV, showing …
Traffic00:352,291 views
Desmond Woodforde - Radio 5NPY Promo
Desmond Woodforde is a Radio Broadcaster (RIBS Operator) with Radio 5NPY. This is his radio promo video. Desmond can usually be heard on Radio 5NPY from Monday to Friday in the afternoon from 3pm to 4pm. As Desmond sa5ys in this video, to request a song for his show call the …
Our Way01:152,621 views
Mala Band - Bush Bands Bash 2019 - Camp Experience
The Bush Bands Bash ('BBB') program requires all participating bands to attend a 4 day professional development camp called 'Bush Bands Bash Business' held at Ross River Resort. The camp is held in a lead up to the main event, which this year took place on Sunday 8th September …
Our Music07:015,423 views
CFS & APY Land Management Umuwa Burnoff Sept 2019
The APY Land Management team has been working with CFS to do burnoffs around communities on the APY Lands. Today they worked on the south side of Umuwa. Be fire safe this summer.
Our Way02:163,452 views
Angus Pearson Introductory Video
This is a short introduction video for Mimili Radio Broadcaster Angus Pearson. His video includes his recent song 'Broken Hearted Rock'n'Roll'. You can hear Angus live on Radio 5NPY Monday to Friday from 2pm to 3pm. Tune in and hear Angus' show. He is reintroducing 80s rock to …
Our Way03:323,634 views
Yirara Girls - Yirara Strong Young Women
Yirara Girls - Yirara Strong Young Women.
Produced by Red Dust Role Models.
Young Way02:523,527 views
Minyma Kutjarra - Walungurru (Kintore) Young Women & Young Men's Program.
Minyma Kutjarra - Walungurru (Kintore) Young Women & Young Men's Program..
Produced by Red Dust Role Models.
Our Music03:108,240 views
KINTORE SONG - Walungurru
KINTORE SONG - Walungurru.
Produced by Red Dust Role Models.
Our Music05:295,646 views
Kapi (Water) - Jonathan Doolan and the Areyonga Band
Performed in Pitjantjatjara, this video was created as a part of the Therrka Endangered Languages Project. (Scroll down for lyrics and translations).
Visit: www.caamamusic.com.au
This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Indigenous Languages …
Our Music05:294,725 views
Learning Pitjantjatjara
Language Learning 1
Child to young adult focused: Very basic language learning. Animals, names, numbers, etc.
Language Learning 2
Young adult and upwards focused: Slightly more advanced language learning with topics such as sentences, names of animals and cooking videos with food names.
Language Learning 3
Videos about revitalising, learning and teaching language and what it means culturally.