452 Videos 54 ContributorsAbout Pitjantjatjara
Learning Resources
- Gambay - First Languages Australia
- NPY Women's Council - Kulila! App
- Central Land Council
- Glottolog
- CALL Collection
- Territory Stories
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages
- Mobile Language Team
- The Endangered Languages Project
- Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre
- UCLA Phonetic Lab Archive
Videos in Pitjantjatjara
UPK#6 - Track 3: Kulira Wantininyi
Lyric Video for Track 3 of UPK#6.
Franklin Hatches from Fregon.
Man you should listen to your family. You talk to me but when I talk to you, you ignore me…
Why do you ignore what I am saying to you?
You better listen to what we’re all saying.
Hey wati, I’m telling …
Our Music03:013,902 views
UPK#6 - Track 2: Arkalpayi
Lyric Video for Track 2 of UPK#6.
Written Bill Davis, Performed Elijah Pinta Connelly, from Pipalyatjara.
That man right in front of you is continually miserable. He groans, he behaves like a poor thing. He is sad.
That man just over there, he obsesses, he overthinks, he …
Our Music02:263,235 views
UPK#6 - Track 1: Tjukurpa Irititja
This song written and performed by Jeremy Whisky from Indulkana; with him is brother Kupa Henry, Darcy Davis and Jason Cullinan.
This is a jubilant celebration of The Tjukurpa, the spirit of the Land and its people, Anangu. Unashamed, brave, proud, All of us! The Tjukurpa …
Our Music02:093,265 views
UPK#6 Amata Practise
UPK, Uwankara Palyanku Kanyitjaku (everybody creating and holding the future) is a strategy to achieve well-being through positive, shared vision of the future and thoughtful action by everybody to achieve this vision. UPK finds expression in many different forms from making of …
Our Music02:235,353 views
UPK#6 Jason Jamming Jimi
UPK, Uwankara Palyanku Kanyitjaku (everybody creating and holding the future) is a strategy to achieve well-being through positive, shared vision of the future and thoughtful action by everybody to achieve this vision. UPK finds expression in many different forms from making of …
Our Music02:154,132 views
Empowered Communities tjukurpa (Pitjantjatjara)
Empowered Communities is a national reform initiative created by Aboriginal people, for Aboriginal people. In central Australia's Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Lands a collaboration of strong Aboriginal organisations are working together with families, …
Our Way05:294,305 views
One voice, one plan: Empowered Communities (Pitjantjatjara)
Empowered Communities is a national reform initiative created by Aboriginal people, for Aboriginal people. In central Australia's Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Lands a collaboration of strong Aboriginal organisations are working together with families, …
Our Way06:243,878 views
Bush Bands Bash 2017: Desert Rain Band - Bush Bus
Bush Bands Bash 2017: Desert Rain Band - Bush Bus.
Bush Bands Bash is a foot stomping musical celebration under the starry desert sky. Played to an audience of thousands the concert is the biggest annual showcase of Aboriginal desert music in Australia. Presented by MusicNT, …
Our Music03:145,443 views
Bush Bands Bash 2017: Irrunytju Band - Wati Kutju
Bush Bands Bash 2017: Irrunytju Band - Wati Kutju.
Bush Bands Bash is a foot stomping musical celebration under the starry desert sky. Played to an audience of thousands the concert is the biggest annual showcase of Aboriginal desert music in Australia. Presented by MusicNT, …
Our Music06:466,332 views
My Homeland
This story was created by Galvin Riley in the italk training program at Alice Springs Correctional Centre.
This story was produced by trainees in the italk studios media production program, May to July 2016:
Matthew Stevens
Mike Wallace
Jason Limerick
Idmaran Johnson
Our Way01:154,814 views
West Borelakutu
When day to day issues become a challenge, consider the value of taking time out from community life, approaching senior people in your family for some guidance, clearing your head and making positive lifestyle choices. You would be surprised the difference it can make.
Our Way07:274,183 views
Waru Tilintjawiyangku Kunyu Wantima
Setting rubbish on fire is a hazard to your community, country and family. It can cause large fires, pollute the air around your community and it is also illegal. Please don't set rubbish on fire!
Our Way02:243,803 views
Raputji Bin Pikatjara
This video is a humorous look at waste management in our communities. Rubbish bins are in place keep them clean, but they don’t work if we don’t use them. Please put rubbish in the bin.
Our Way02:514,544 views
Pika Kura Ungkupai, Kulinma
This video explains that rubbish dumps contain a myriad of hazardous materials, elements and compounds. People need to be mindful of this fact and be appropriately cautious and read the signs delineating potential hazards.
Our Way01:343,143 views
Mutuka Tjuta Tilintjawiya
Old cars can be a valuable source of spare parts, but if you set them on fire they are useless to everyone. Also burning cars releases toxic fumes which are harmful to people and the environment so, don't set cars on fire!
Our Way02:093,726 views
Mai Wiru Ngalkunma
Be healthy and happy! Colonial Australia has brought a lot of unhealthy foods into Aboriginal Communities so it is important to make positive lifestyle choices. Mai Wiru Ngalkunma!
Our Way03:323,656 views
Irati Kura
Asbestos is present in some community rubbish dumps on the lands and can be extremely harmful to your health is disturbed. This video explains how to avoid exposing yourself needlessly to asbestos to happy and healthy!
Our Way01:382,925 views
Ayanaku Kutju
Raputji Dump-kutju.
Nyangawanu tjarpa.
Raputji waninytja wiya nyangangka!
Our Way01:123,304 views
Saving Warru
Warru, or black-footed rock-wallaby, is one of South Australia's most endangered mammals. In 2007, when numbers dropped below 200 in the APY Lands in the remote north-west of the State, the Warru Recovery Team was formed to help save the precious species from extinction. Bringing …
Our Way01:01:4811,884 views
Wati Kulintja Kurra – Man Not Thinking Clearly (Ngaanyatjarra)
Emotional literacy animations in Pitjantjatjara and Ngaanyatjarra. Developed by and for Anangu living in the central desert region to keep language strong - in particular the language for talking about mental health.
This is the story of a man who is not thinking clearly: he …
Our Way02:133,037 views
Learning Pitjantjatjara
Language Learning 1
Child to young adult focused: Very basic language learning. Animals, names, numbers, etc.
Language Learning 2
Young adult and upwards focused: Slightly more advanced language learning with topics such as sentences, names of animals and cooking videos with food names.
Language Learning 3
Videos about revitalising, learning and teaching language and what it means culturally.