452 Videos 54 ContributorsAbout Pitjantjatjara
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- NPY Women's Council - Kulila! App
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- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages
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- The Endangered Languages Project
- Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre
- UCLA Phonetic Lab Archive
Videos in Pitjantjatjara
Alpiri: Peter Mitchell 4
‘Alpiri’ is a form of motivational or instructional speech traditionally used in the early morning in Anangu camps. Usually an elder would get up early to broadcast a message to people waking in the camp. In the alpiri video series, we have produced short videos in which …
Our Culture03:053,969 views
Alpiri: Peter Mitchell 3
‘Alpiri’ is a form of motivational or instructional speech traditionally used in the early morning in Anangu camps. Usually an elder would get up early to broadcast a message to people waking in the camp. In the alpiri video series, we have produced short videos in which …
Our Culture05:014,159 views
Alpiri: Ilawanti Ken
‘Alpiri’ is a form of motivational or instructional speech traditionally used in the early morning in Anangu camps. Usually an elder would get up early to broadcast a message to people waking in the camp. In the alpiri video series, we have produced short videos in which …
Our Culture08:174,676 views
Alpiri: Niningka Lewis
‘Alpiri’ is a form of motivational or instructional speech traditionally used in the early morning in Anangu camps. Usually an elder would get up early to broadcast a message to people waking in the camp. In the alpiri video series, we have produced short videos in which …
Our Culture04:395,212 views
Alpiri: Maringka Burton
‘Alpiri’ is a form of motivational or instructional speech traditionally used in the early morning in Anangu camps. Usually an elder would get up early to broadcast a message to people waking in the camp. In the alpiri video series, we have produced short videos in which …
Our Culture05:134,664 views
Alpiri: Peter Mitchell 2
‘Alpiri’ is a form of motivational or instructional speech traditionally used in the early morning in Anangu camps. Usually an elder would get up early to broadcast a message to people waking in the camp. In the alpiri video series, we have produced short videos in which …
Our Culture05:013,789 views
Alpiri: Simon Butler 2
‘Alpiri’ is a form of motivational or instructional speech traditionally used in the early morning in Anangu camps. Usually an elder would get up early to broadcast a message to people waking in the camp. In the alpiri video series, we have produced short videos in which …
Our Culture04:443,192 views
Alpiri: Roy Yaltjangki 2
‘Alpiri’ is a form of motivational or instructional speech traditionally used in the early morning in Anangu camps. Usually an elder would get up early to broadcast a message to people waking in the camp. In the alpiri video series, we have produced short videos in which …
Our Culture04:294,142 views
Alpiri: Peter Mitchell 1
‘Alpiri’ is a form of motivational or instructional speech traditionally used in the early morning in Anangu camps. Usually an elder would get up early to broadcast a message to people waking in the camp. In the alpiri video series, we have produced short videos in which …
Our Culture02:494,807 views
Alpiri: Simon Butler 1
‘Alpiri’ is a form of motivational or instructional speech traditionally used in the early morning in Anangu camps. Usually an elder would get up early to broadcast a message to people waking in the camp. In the alpiri video series, we have produced short videos in which …
Our Culture01:574,569 views
Alpiri: Roy Yaltjangki
‘Alpiri’ is a form of motivational or instructional speech traditionally used in the early morning in Anangu camps. Usually an elder would get up early to broadcast a message to people waking in the camp. In the alpiri video series, we have produced short videos in which …
Our Culture05:594,711 views
Alpiri: Maringka Burton 2
‘Alpiri’ is a form of motivational or instructional speech traditionally used in the early morning in Anangu camps. Usually an elder would get up early to broadcast a message to people waking in the camp. In the alpiri video series, we have produced short videos in which …
Our Culture04:534,130 views
Two Way Learning at Happy Valley Homeland
A film by Pin Rada and Alison Hunt, co-produced by The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and Pitjantjatjatjara Yankunytjatjara Media which documents the activities of a camp run by senior Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara elders from Amata Community in the APY Lands …
Our Culture42:387,658 views
Alpiri: Rene Kulitja
‘Alpiri’ is a form of motivational or instructional speech traditionally used in the early morning in Anangu camps. Usually an elder would get up early to broadcast a message to people waking in the camp. In the alpiri video series, we have produced short videos in which …
Our Culture06:305,171 views
How to block numbers (Pitjantjarra)
Instructional video about how to block numbers and messages on your mobile
Our Way01:352,279 views
Tjulpu and Walpa
Tjulpu and Walpa is the story of two young Anangu girls - one who has a difficult path growing up, while the other has a happy upbringing. Originally developed in the format of a book, the story of Tjulpu and Walpa has now been adapted to an animated film.
Our Way16:2611,099 views
Desert Highway - Desmond Woodforde & The Moon Band
Desert Highway - Desmond Woodforde & The Moon Band .
PY Media end of year concert held at Umuwa on the APY Lands on the 15th December 2018.
Our Music07:113,383 views
Learning Pitjantjatjara
Language Learning 1
Child to young adult focused: Very basic language learning. Animals, names, numbers, etc.
Language Learning 2
Young adult and upwards focused: Slightly more advanced language learning with topics such as sentences, names of animals and cooking videos with food names.
Language Learning 3
Videos about revitalising, learning and teaching language and what it means culturally.