1. Gapuwiyak
  2. Alpiri: Peter Mitchell 4
  3. Alpiri: Peter Mitchell 3
  4. Alpiri: Ilawanti Ken
  5. Alpiri: Niningka Lewis
  6. Alpiri: Maringka Burton
  7. Alpiri: Peter Mitchell 2
  8. Alpiri: Simon Butler 2
  9. Alpiri: Roy Yaltjangki 2
  10. Alpiri: Peter Mitchell 1
  11. Alpiri: Simon Butler 1
  12. Alpiri: Roy Yaltjangki
  13. Alpiri: Maringka Burton 2
  14. Two Way Learning at Happy Valley Homeland
  15. Alpiri: Rene Kulitja
  16. How to block numbers (Pitjantjarra)
  17. Tjulpu and Walpa
  18. Desert Highway - Desmond Woodforde & The Moon Band
  19. Mr. Miller performs at the PY Media Concert
  20. Don't Wanna Let You Go by Nigel Ken