452 Videos 54 ContributorsAbout Pitjantjatjara
Learning Resources
- Gambay - First Languages Australia
- NPY Women's Council - Kulila! App
- Central Land Council
- Glottolog
- CALL Collection
- Territory Stories
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages
- Mobile Language Team
- The Endangered Languages Project
- Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre
- UCLA Phonetic Lab Archive
Videos in Pitjantjatjara
APY Irititja Part 4
PLEASE VIEW WITH DISCRETION. Many people have passed away.
Video involved many Anangu across the APY Lands and PY Media, despite limited funds continued to produce content for ICTV (Indigenous Community Television) using earnings from commercial productions.
Our Way28:31382 views
APY Irititja Part 3
PLEASE VIEW WITH DISCRETION. Many people have passed away.
Video involved many Anangu across the APY Lands and PY Media, despite limited funds continued to produce content for ICTV (Indigenous Community Television) using earnings from commercial productions.
Our Way23:32471 views
APY Irititja Part 2
PLEASE VIEW WITH DISCRETION.Many people have passed away
In the 1980’s and 90’s, using VHS cameras Anangu (people from the APY Lands) recorded their ceremonies on video so that they could educate the children of the future. In those days communities only had the ABC. In 1987 …
Our Way19:361,069 views
For Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara. No subtitles. Caring for dogs in communities. PLEASE VIEW WITH DISCRETION ANANGU HAVE PASSED AWAY.
Our Way22:341,426 views
Kapi Tjukurpa
Water Story. Looking after waterholes. Please view with discretion as Anangu may have passed away.
Our Way11:31376 views
25th Anniversary of the hand back of Uluru 24th October 2010
Traditional Owners celebrating the 25th anniversary of the handback of Uluru in a colourful cultural festival.
The ceremony to hand back the title took place at the base of Uluru on 26 October 1985. Hundreds of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people looked on as Governor-General …
Our Way08:01653 views
Inma Pulka - Big Ceremony
When ceremony was a big part of everyones life. It was filmed and played out to the community through EVTV (Ernabella Video TV) the first and only pirate TV station. There was no internet, only ABC which was switched off to show ceremony on EVTV. This video is a shortened edit …
Our Culture26:16804 views
KCC 2019 - Session 3 - Pitjantjatjara song 3
KCC 2019 - Session 3 - Pitjantjatjara song 3
Spiritual Way04:34454 views
KCC 2019 - Session 3 - Pitjantjatjara song 2
KCC 2019 - Session 3 - Pitjantjatjara song 2
Spiritual Way03:38442 views
KCC 2019 - Session 3 - Pitjantjatjara song 1
KCC 2019 - Session 3 - Pitjantjatjara song 1
Spiritual Way05:42423 views
Wangka Ninti - To Do With
This short film is about how to say 'to do with' in one language from the Goldfields region of Western Australia. Join Mr. Nintipayi as he explains language each week.
Enjoy and check out GALCAC's YouTube channel for a new film each week!
Young Way03:00744 views
Wangka Ninti - Require
This short film is about how to say 'require' in one language from the Goldfields region of Western Australia. Join Mr. Nintipayi as he explains language each week.
Enjoy and check out GALCAC's YouTube channel for a new film each week!
Young Way03:07471 views
Wangka Ninti - Want
This short film is about how to say 'want' in one language from the Goldfields region of Western Australia. Join Mr. Nintipayi as he explains language each week.
Enjoy and check out GALCAC's YouTube channel for a new film each week!
Become a subscribed and never miss a film …
Young Way03:18579 views
Wangka Ninti - After
This short film is about how to say 'after' in one language from the Goldfields region of Western Australia. Join Mr. Nintipayi as he explains language each week.
Enjoy and check out GALCAC's YouTube channel for a new film each week!
Young Way03:31694 views
Wangka Ninti - Keep Away
This short film is about saying keeping away in the Goldfields region of Western Australia.
Enjoy and check out GALCAC's YouTube channel for a new film each week!
Our Culture03:13729 views
Bush Bands Bash 23 :: Pukatja Band
BBB23 is a unique event that celebrates the richness of First Nations music and culture, promising an unforgettable night of music, unity, positivity and diversity.
From a record number of entries the following bands have been selected to showcase their musical excellence and …
Our Music20:241,477 views
Wangka Ninti - Through
This short film is about saying 'through' in the Goldfields region of Western Australia.
Enjoy and check out GALCAC's YouTube channel for a new film each week!
Our Culture03:06690 views
Image-based Abuse - Pitjantjatjara
It’s not OK if someone shares – or says they will share – a nude or sexual image or video of you, without your consent. This is known as image-based abuse or revenge porn.
If this happens to you, eSafety can help.
Find online safety advice and support in multiple …
Our Way01:57744 views
Online Abuse and Racism - Pitjantjatjara
Online abuse is when a person uses the internet to send, post or share content that harms someone. Learn what you can do if you experience online abuse.
Find online safety advice and support in multiple languages for First Nations people, including resources about how to be …
Our Way01:56709 views
Learning Pitjantjatjara
Language Learning 1
Child to young adult focused: Very basic language learning. Animals, names, numbers, etc.
Language Learning 2
Young adult and upwards focused: Slightly more advanced language learning with topics such as sentences, names of animals and cooking videos with food names.
Language Learning 3
Videos about revitalising, learning and teaching language and what it means culturally.