452 Videos 54 ContributorsAbout Pitjantjatjara
Learning Resources
- Gambay - First Languages Australia
- NPY Women's Council - Kulila! App
- Central Land Council
- Glottolog
- CALL Collection
- Territory Stories
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages
- Mobile Language Team
- The Endangered Languages Project
- Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre
- UCLA Phonetic Lab Archive
Videos in Pitjantjatjara
Waru Tri State
TO's managing fire with traditional and new management techniques.
Our Way28:425,326 views
Waru A Story About Burning
A short animation explaining how important fire management is. It describes how fire management is about trying to burn like the old ways
Our Way04:4711,174 views
Papa Atunymananyi
AMRRIC and Nganampa Health Council look after dogs on the APY Lands. Allan Wilson from Amata Talks about the importance of looking after your dogs. Sophie Constable the AMRIC Education Officer gives advice on how to stop disease and infection and Elleen Fletcher a dog trainer …
Our Way22:345,202 views
Atunymananyi tjitjiku pina (no subtitles)
Part of the National Ear Heatlh campaign.
Our Way13:355,686 views
Music, Count Me In at Pipalyatjara School
Pipalyatjara Students singing with 600,000 others all over Australia
Young Way06:086,667 views
Mai Wiru (Good Food)
Nganampa Health Council have long recognised the power of music to express the important story and have always encouraged musicians to write songs which contribute to our sense of action and progress. UPK music remains the most popular music on the lands today.
Our Night-time24:095,504 views
Nganampa Kuula, Nganampa Ara (Our School, Our Way)
Educational Video: Local Paretns' opinion on schools in the APY Lands.
Our Way17:176,150 views
Songs from the UPK#4 album
The UPK#4 is a project developed by Nganampa Health in South Australia. This project was designed as a strategy for well being'. Nganingu Mark Burton and his song 'Irititja' meaning from Long Ago is about his homeland and Grandfather. Stewart Gaykamangu writter and singer of …
Our Night-time10:386,715 views
Punu Palyantja Woodcarving
Punu Paltantja Woodcarving is a day where this community in PY find wood to carve their spears other useful things
Our Culture15:346,333 views
Inma Maku
Inma Maku is a short video made by the Rikina Video Show. This video shows the importance of culture tradition and community, and opens itself to interesting discussion about its message.
Our Tucker05:439,431 views
Kungka Come Home by Central Reggae
Central Reggae is a studio recorded music video filmed in Umuwa on the APY Lands.
Our Night-time05:248,587 views
Learning Pitjantjatjara
Language Learning 1
Child to young adult focused: Very basic language learning. Animals, names, numbers, etc.
Language Learning 2
Young adult and upwards focused: Slightly more advanced language learning with topics such as sentences, names of animals and cooking videos with food names.
Language Learning 3
Videos about revitalising, learning and teaching language and what it means culturally.